StudyTracker - an eLearning and Contact Relationship Manager

The time tested formula for successful evangelism or soul winning (in its broadest sense) is comprised of two basic elements:

  1. Externally focused evangelistic activities (public series, public media, bible studies, websites, etc..)
  2. Internally focused activities centered around the nurture and evangelistic training of church members.

These two elements, combined correctly, have never failed to produce results, though often at great logistical and organizational cost.  StudyTracker introduces a catalyst to the formula. Something that increases the effectiveness of the process without in any way altering its time tested properties. This catalyst eliminates many of the inefficiencies that have until now been unavoidable, and allow people to maximize their potential of reaching others by using the latest in current technology.

To accomplish all of this, StudyTracker provides the following fundamental components:

  • Robust tools for viewing and interacting with Contacts and their history.
  • An on-line eLearning framework
  • A mechanism for managing the human resources that interact with interests
  • Tools for maintaining accountability
  • Efficient, instantaneous distribution of interests to those who work with them
  • A fully featured web services API
  • Statistics and Metrics reflecting StudyTracker activity


Building on the netAdventist platform, StudyTracker defines a solution that promises to deliver (with God's help and blessing) a tremendous boost to the effectiveness of soul winning. A system that for the first time allows the soul-winner to follow an individual from first contact, to membership and beyond. A system that maximizes the effectiveness of outreach by ensuring any information useful in reaching a specific individual is available when it is needed, where it is needed.

             Introduction to StudyTracker (v1)